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David Attenborough Narrates Your Deepest Shower Thoughts

Do you feel your most inspired in the shower? Or find yourself making important life decisions while under the steam? Ever wondered what it would be like to have a celebrity narrate your inner monologues? 

Using AI and Reddit we have done exactly that and materialised what it would be like to have Sir David Attenborough narrate our most complex, funny and interesting shower thoughts. 


The users of Reddit shared a variety of shower thoughts from the introspective to the bizarre. Our favourites include:

  • “We usually get more from failure than success, if and only if, we have the right context in hand”

  • “Your tongue knows how the texture of any object feels”

  • “Fundamentally, a baby is a free pet”

  • “Cows are very calm considering the entire floor is food”

  • “Some day an old person will die and so will the last living memory of you”

Paired with Britain’s most loved narrator, the audio captures the documentarian's trademark voice and distinctive style of speech, along with the fascinating idiosyncrasies of our inner-monologues.

Diving deeper, we wanted to understand why showering can have such an impact on our daily lives, prompting inquisitive thoughts, important life decisions and even imaginary arguments. 

To gain a better understanding, we surveyed our customers, quizzing them on their common shower habits, and partnered with Molly Pottor, Hypnotherapist and speaker at Outlet 10 Discussions, to understand the psychological impact of showering. 


 6 in 10 Brits make percentage of important life decisions in the shower

Our data revealed that more than half, around 6 in 10 Brits (57.5%), make at least some of their important life decisions in the shower and often find it the perfect environment to problem solve. 

Discussing why people report making their best decisions or have creative ideas while in the shower, Molly comments:

“In a shower there are minimal mental demands made of us and our attention is not forced to attend to any pressing requests, outside which shampoo to use! 

“Much like when we go for a walk amongst the greenery of the countryside, this means our focus becomes less ‘forced to focus’ and freer to wander. This free style of thinking (compared to how we think when we are stressed) is expansive, curious, able to consider more things in one go, able to make links and generally more flexible. It’s no wonder, therefore, that our best eureka moments often happen in the shower.”


74% of Brits are preoccupied with thoughts of work during their daily routines

While our minds are free to wander where they wish, there is a recurring place that’s impacting 74% of Brits. Nearly three quarters of adults are thinking about work while they wash. Whether it’s preparing ahead of important business meetings, imaginary arguments with colleagues or that general sense of dread as you get ready in the morning, it seems we can’t quite shake our 9-5. In fact, one in eight (12%)  admitted to having imaginary arguments with their boss during their shower time.

Alongside thoughts of work we also spend our time pondering our goals and ambitions (51%), and contemplating our personal finances (37%). 

Interestingly, Molly explains that the enjoyable physical sensations we receive while in the shower, such as the gentle massage and white noise of the falling water, provides a simplified auditory experience, drowning out the outside world and allowing our mind to wander where it chooses. 

She adds, “These enjoyable physical sensations can trigger the parasympathetic system - a system that tells anxiety to stand down and indicates it’s ok to rest and relax. That’s why we can crave the experience of a shower after a day of physical action or stress.”

In fact, over half of Brits (55%) feel energised after a shower, with the average shower lasting 5-10 minutes. For many, this short yet effective period is a vital way to start the day, with 57% of respondents revealing they like to shower first thing in the morning as it provides a burst of energy that sets a positive tone for the hours ahead. 

Even those of us who love change and unpredictability can benefit from having the foundation of a routine - and a shower can be very much part of this. Easing ourselves in or out of the day with a shower provides a gentle wind-up towards the action of the day or a soothing wind-down towards bedtime.

Our shower routines don’t differ from each other either, with over half (54%) of Brits starting their showers by washing their hair, followed by 21% washing their faces. This methodical top to bottom approach removes any need for strict decision-making. 

Molly adds: “Most of us wash in a routine way which means there is no pressure to make any decisions. This passive certainty is undemanding, helps us feel a sense of control and can be soothing. When routine guides our behaviours, we are usually using just enough of our brain to keep us mindfully engaged in the moment, but not so much as to feel in any way pressured. This is a very mentally healthy place to be.”


20% of Brits pee in the shower

While many of us have our routines locked down, some of us like to shave time off other elements of our lives by multi-tasking during our wash time. In fact, almost a quarter of Brits pee while showering and 20% opt for brushing their teeth while under the water. 

Peeing in the shower is a much contested topic. Arguably it can save water since it eliminates the need for a separate toilet flush, which typically uses between 1.6 to 7 gallons depending on the toilet's efficiency. But on the other hand, it's probably going to have a negative impact on the hygiene of your shower. Despite urine being sterile, improper cleaning of the shower afterward could potentially lead to lingering odours or bacteria growth, especially if someone has a urinary tract infection.

The most effective way to keep your shower and shower tray clean is to spray liberally with a bathroom cleaner and leave for at least 15 minutes before wiping and rinsing. 

Despite 20% of respondents stating the shower is their favourite place to have a good cry, Molly also explains how a shower can trigger our release of several feel-good hormones.

She says: “Oxytocin – the happiness hormone - can be released when we take a shower. Research has shown that when we are happy, we are more likely to want to connect with others, more likely to be creative and far less likely to feel stress and anxiety. These effects will also contribute to many of the cognitive benefits mentioned above.

“Dopamine – our ‘reward’ hormone - can also be released. If we are drawn to showers regularly and routinely, chances are it is the dopamine that has kept us going back for more! The good news is dopamine is known to enhance mood.

“Serotonin (a mood regulator) and endorphins (our body’s natural painkiller), amongst others, are also released and can contribute to our general feelings of wellbeing.”



Two-fifths of Brits clean the shower as they go

According to our survey, 37% of respondents choose to clean the shower while washing themselves, and why not? There’s no risk of getting your clothes wet and steamy walls are easier to clean. Plus, what's not to love about cutting time off your bathroom cleaning routine?

The best in-shower cleaning tips include:

  1. Remove the moisture: Wipe down shower walls, floors and doors with a sponge to remove any moisture and reduce the risk of mildew, followed by another wipe with a dry towel to tackle any remaining moisture.

  2. Clean the tiles: Spray a well-diluted vinegar/water solution over the tiles and leave to dry.

  3. Get stuck in on the grout: Apply a mixture of two parts baking soda with one part vinegar to the grout lines. Leave for five minutes while you dry off and then scrub at the lines with a toothbrush before rinsing off. 


So why are we more curious and creative in the shower?

Lastly, when discussing what exactly it is within our brains that triggers us to be more curious and creative when in the shower, and exploring thoughts like: “dogs get all the credit for the swimming style that every 4-legged animal uses”, Molly explains how showers can reduce the effects of the amygdala. 

“Relaxation of any kind benefits cognitive skills – especially when it is reducing the effects of the small, but powerful part of the brain called the amygdala. The amygdala processes emotions – like fear - that can override all other functions including many thought processes, especially those used in creativity and decision making. 

“When in the grips of fear (or anxiety) our thinking is designed to narrow with concern only for safety and protection. Anyone who has tried to make a decision in this headspace knows that their resourcefulness to do so is negatively affected. Taking a shower can mitigate the effects of the amygdala and give a signal to our brain that all is well. This in turn can open up our minds to its full range of cognitive tools.

“Our pre-frontal cortex, which is responsible for much higher-level thinking, can become metaphorically cluttered when we have too much on our plates. A shower can act to wipe this part of the brain clean as we mindfully relax into the experience of a refreshing shower and let go of our mental load. This re-boots our brain to return to anything that needs addressing with a re-invigorated capacity for thinking.”

So, next time you shower, pay attention to those weird and wonderful thoughts, it might just be your next big idea or solution to a longstanding problem. And if you want to upgrade your shower experience even further, we are, of course, always here to help with that! 


To discover what individuals are thinking about in the shower we scraped the Reddit thread compiling those with the highest number of up-votes and then used 101 soundboards to create our AI generated audio. Following this, we quizzed 100 of our customers on their shower habits. 

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